

13 august 2016

Mana la rosii- sfarsit

Din pacate, am pierdut batalia cu mana- a inaintat mult prea  repede,- rosiile fiind in coacere, am renuntat la orice fel de stropire.
Am mai facut un ultim gest, am taiat toate varfurile stiind ca tot ce trece dincolo de ele este compromis.
Am ramas in final, in acest an, cu mult mai putine rosii, incarcate insa cu cel mai bun gust.
Acum, ce sa mai zic- cer iertare  imparatesei rosiilor ca nu am avut puterea de a avea grija de supusii ei.
Seara frumoasa.

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  4. LEDs, that are typically equipped with a heat source, also produce less energy than fluorescent light. They can therefore be positioned closer to the plant so that it can get the maximum benefit from photosynthesis. However, fluorescent lights have to be located farther from the plant because of greater temperatures at which they operate. The further away the source of light, the less energy is available for photosynthesis.
    Energy efficiency is essential due to its financial and environmental consequences. Not just do LEDs have less of an environmental footprint, but they also are less costly on electricity costs.
    Life expectancy: With an estimated life span of between 50,000 and 100,000 working hours LEDs are about 4-5 times stronger than fluorescent counterparts. In actual fact an LED light can last as long as 10 years when properly utilized!
